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Wu-Vo is an artificial planet, an intricately designed artificial planet intended as a secondary habitat for humanity. The planet replicates Earth’s diverse ecosystems and even revives extinct species

However, after the planet's construction was completed, a mysterious problem arose: people working on Wu-Vo began to vanish without a trace. As a result, the planet was abandoned, with no one daring to visit.


There’s a hypothesis suggesting that those who disappeared may have transformed into new life forms on Wu-Vo. No one has been willing to risk proving this theory—until you decided to come.


Beings located on a fictional planet called Wu-Vo, where almost identical to Earth ecologically. Players will freely explore this world and finish certain tasks. However, because of a mysterious secret of Wu-Vo, you will experience unexpected transformations from one species to another species unexpectedly during the game. You can never choose your avatars/characters, but adapt to them. Through each transformation, you will get closer to the truth behind it.

As you undertake a series of tasks, you'll gather essential information about the mysterious links between its forms of life and discover Wu-Vo's secrets. You will receive a piece of 'memory' when you finish one task. You can review and find more information in the Memories panel. 

The game Beings has TWO versions. One uses body tracking to control the game avatars(please see the demo video below; the other uses the keyboard to control which you can download here.


Game Status

<In progress>

Game Concept

Countless nonhuman species have coexisted with us for centuries, yet our understanding of them remains limited. The sense of superiority as humans prevents us from actually seeing them. Beings is an experimental game that pulls humans into a nonhuman world through the game narrative and embodied experience. It aims to challenge anthropocentric thinking patterns and encourages adopting perspectives beyond our own—to see, feel, and think beyond the human experience. 

Updated 9 days ago
Published 20 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
GenreAdventure, Educational
TagsAnimals, Atmospheric, Fantasy, Surreal


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